With Gratitude and Anticipation: A Look Back at 2024

As we look back on this year and everything God did in 2024,
our hearts are overflowing with gratitude for the incredible ways you partnered with us to bring joy and purpose to orphaned and vulnerable children around the world.
Through your faithful prayers, generous giving, and steadfast support, you have been a living expression of God’s love, transforming lives and shining light into some of the darkest places.
Together, we’ve witnessed powerful stories of redemption, restoration, and joy.
Today, we’re excited to share just a few of those inspiring stories with you—
You made it possible for children around the world to hear the Gospel and experience the joy of belonging.
Today, children around the world are facing battles unimaginable to most of us: war-torn towns, empty stomachs, broken hearts unaware of the love of Christ.
This year, you participated in many important stories of redemption. With God’s help and your support—
E-Boree from Cambodia and Phiona from Uganda understand the deep pain of loss. But they also understand the immeasurable joy of belonging through Gospel-centered care. And they are now thriving.
“I keep praying for a future where every child has the same opportunities I’ve been given. A future where no one has to feel unloved, unwanted, or forgotten.”
Lifesong Uganda Student
One specific way orphaned and vulnerable kids experienced belonging in 2024 is through education.
Only 5% of children in the communities we serve receive an education beyond 7th grade without Lifesong schools. But with your generosity—
This year, 10,644 orphaned and vulnerable children are receiving holistic, Gospel-centered care in 15 countries.
7,252 students attend Lifesong Christian schools and educational programs.
1,425 graduates and young adults are in transition programs, attending college and vocational training, and engaging in ministry.
So without education, many of the students—the girls in particular—would be unlikely to complete higher education or vocational training.
Bertha, a student at Lifesong Zambia, shares—
“It’s all because of God that I am here today and that I got this education.”
Bertha could have easily gotten lost in the odds stacked against her. But by receiving the unconditional love of her teachers and mentors, Bertha better understands God’s love and has learned to love the Gospel for herself.

Meanwhile, you supported orphaned and vulnerable children in places like Ukraine and Haiti where violence and unpredictability continue.
In 2023, 8,400 people in Haiti were killed, injured, or kidnapped. In 2024, the number of innocent lives taken continues to rise, including two of our beloved Haitian teammates.
But our team in Haiti continues to stand against the darkness. Specifically, they are committed to serving orphaned and vulnerable children who are in desperate need of the hope of Jesus.
Though there is much to grieve in Haiti, there is also hope. In the midst of broken situations, our team is still celebrating 35 baptisms, a wedding, graduations, and a church anniversary. While the sorrows of today are no doubt heavy, our team holds fast to the hope that is only in Christ.

In both Ukraine and Haiti, the ongoing conflict has also brought new opportunities for ministry. But it reminds us that this world is not our home. We belong to God.
Since the war in Ukraine began in February 2022, our team in Ukraine has been responding to the unique and growing needs of orphaned and vulnerable children affected by war.
Specifically, our team at Lifesong Farms Ukraine has become a living witness, not only for orphans and vulnerable families, but for the local church and community.
“We continue to live with hope. And we continue to think forward and move forward.”
Lifesong Ukraine Director

So as fear and violence gripped Ukraine and Haiti in 2024, you were compelled to pray for peace, security, and an end to violence and corruption.
You also supported families here in the U.S. as they persevered through the beauty and brokenness that comes with adoption.
Here in the U.S., money continues to be the #1 reason families considering adoption decide not to adopt. But children belong in families.
So your faithful prayer and support helped orphaned and vulnerable children know the joy of being sons and daughters, loved by family and cherished by God.
With your support—
10,914 orphans have become sons and daughters with adoption financial assistance since 2002.
8,500 people have received support through family preservation efforts in 2024.
2,495 children now live in family-style homes, receiving a safe place to live, study, and learn.
Tommy and Heather
only planned to adopt one child. But God had other plans—
“We started by saying yes to one. But God said, ‘Five more.’”
When God calls us to step out in faith—especially when it comes to adoption—the word, “yes” is loaded. It’s a personal declaration, a holy rebellion against fear—it’s looking at all the unknowns and saying, “We trust You, God, more than we trust our own understanding.”
It’s knowing that when we say “yes,” we’re not just changing a child’s life—we’re letting God radically transform our own.
Here at Lifesong, we believe money should never be the reason a child doesn’t have a family. So through adoption financial assistance, like matching grants, interest-free loans, and adoption crowdfunding pages, we help families like Tommy and Heather’s bridge the gap in adoption fundraising.
“People think we’re superhuman, but we’re not. It’s just totally God’s story. We opened up our home and brought in God’s children and watched Him change us.”
Because of your generosity in 2024, we were also able to continue offering post-adoption support.
We remain committed to continuing the journey with adoptive families by offering financial assistance for counseling, continued training, trauma care, and other important interventions.
Because we want children to know they belong.
Phil is an adoptive dad. He shares, “One of our children had needs that went beyond what we could provide, and unfortunately, help can be very expensive. My family is incredibly thankful for Lifesong and the resources they provided to help us continue moving forward.”
With your support—
2,980 families were given post-adoption support in 2024.
And, in many different ways, this year, you affirmed the value and dignity that exists in the lives of vulnerable women and their unborn children.
Whether by supporting My Life My Gift—the platform Lifesong launched last year—to tell the stories of women with unexpected pregnancies or by supporting Kharis House, a ministry offering hope to pregnant girls in Zambia, you helped empower vulnerable moms and their children to stay together.
According to research, roughly 59% of adolescent girls in Zambia become pregnant by age 19. And many are much younger. Our team at Kharis House offers counseling, discipleship, tutoring, physical education, pre-natal education, and a place to belong. All of this works together to support family preservation and prevent children from becoming orphaned.
“When I came to Kharis House, the love and care that was given is what started giving me hope for the future. It was programs like counseling, Bible study, and discipleship that started to help me develop some acceptance of my condition and the ability to love my child after giving birth.”
Kharis House
So, Thank You.
This year, your unwavering commitment to our shared mission has ignited a ripple effect of hope and transformation across the globe.
Because of you—your prayer, your generosity, your steadfast belief in this work and what God is doing—countless lives have been forever changed. Adoptive families have been strengthened, and orphaned and vulnerable children have experienced the life-changing power of belonging.
So thank you for engaging in this important work with us.
Finally, with hearts full of gratitude and anticipation, we look ahead to 2025, trusting that God will continue to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine.
By God’s grace, the best is yet to come!
Reach orphans with Gospel-centered care.
When you give to Lifesong’s Where Most Needed by December 31, 2024, your gift is matched up to $2,500,000—making twice the impact. As always, 100% of your gift directly helps children in need.