When the Plans Suddenly Change | Family Friday

After trying and unsuccessfully being matched 3 times for a little girl in the Philippines, we felt like God was telling us to let our adoption plans go and to wait on Him.

As a mom, I knew that when the timing was right, the right child would “fall in our laps” and it probably wouldn’t be exactly as I had planned. I knew this because God typically laughs at my plans. So we put our plans on hold and moved on, and life got busy and stressful.
That’s why when we received our referral it came as a shock.
We had no “irons in the fire,” but God dropped a referral in our laps out of nowhere just as I knew He would. You’d have thought I would have jumped for joy but the referral wasn’t the child I had picked out for myself, and to be honest, moving forward with the referral was a total act of obedience to God. I guess I wanted to be in control and wanted to pick the child myself and God had done it for me. I wanted to adopt a preschool-aged girl, but God chose a baby boy. My heart wasn’t totally in it and I was so anxious about the whole thing, yet I knew God had chosen this child. In the end, God delivered.
God knew what was best for us beyond anything we could have planned for ourselves.

Our son is the perfect addition to our family. He is happy, healthy, hilarious, a great sleeper, great eater–he’s incredible. God not only knew what I could handle (by giving me an easy baby after so much stress over the last few months) but he also knew the perfect child for us. I’m so thankful that God closed all the other doors on kids we were interested in and instead brought the right child to us when we were least expecting it!
God’s provision through YOU
You–our Lifesong family–helped us in many ways. First, we received a matching grant through our church, and then we used the MyStory platform to raise more money, and we hit our goal! In the end, we were able to raise or receive all of the funds we needed for our adoption. Lifesong was such a blessing to us and so easy to work with!
Thank you for sharing your story, Jennifer! Thank you, also, for demonstrating what it looks like to stand with open hands regarding our plans vs. those of our Heavenly Father. God certainly knows what will be best for us and bring Him the most glory! We look forward to watching your little BOY grow up!