Your Church Can Reach

Your Church Can Reach Orphans

Scripture calls us to care for orphans & those who cannot care for themselves

Many churches don’t know where to start. We’re here to help.

See The Impact

“The adoption fund allowed our church family to participate in our adoption”

Andy & Abby
Matching Grant Recipients • Adopted from DRC

How Can Your Church
Get Involved?

We help churches like yours work to support adopting families and to reach orphans globally.

Help Families Adopt

Start an Adoption Fund

Help families in your church overcome the financial barrier to adoption. Support them with adoption resources before, during, and after bringing their child home. We’ll handle the administrative tasks at no cost.


Care for Children Globally

Adopt one of our orphan care ministries by taking a mission trip, sponsoring children, and financially supporting the work. Your church can build lasting relationships, share the Gospel, and invest in the lives of children in need.

Because Your Money Should
Go Where You Want It To Go

Lifesong administrative costs are already covered, so every penny of your received donation will go to help children in need.

Because Your Money Should
Go Where You Want It To Go

Lifesong administrative costs are already covered, so every penny of your received donation will go to help children in need.

Financially Accountable and Stewarding Your Resources Well
Financially Accountable and Stewarding Your Resources Well

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“This village is special, not because we are engaged there, but because there are Gospel-centered Haitian churches doing amazing work there, and Summit gets the opportunity to come alongside of them to encourage and support them in this mission.

Nate Johnson
Executive Pastor of Central Ministry • Summit Church • Florida