How to Connect with the Child You Sponsor
There are around 7.5 billion people in the world.
And if you live in the United States, you share a country with just over 4% of them. With modern advantages, we’re not limited to only knowing our families, neighbors, or even people in our own countries. We have the ability to connect with people halfway around the world and use those connections to accomplish amazing things.
Take child sponsorship, for instance. Lifesong’s child sponsorship program connects children in need with individuals in countries halfway around the world who want to give. And that bond can impact not only a child’s future but also generations to come. (See for yourself: meet Dyness and Joseph.)
If you don’t currently sponsor a child, now’s a great time to begin that journey! You can find a waiting child here. While prayerfully deciding which child to sponsor, it can be helpful to consider some things you may have in common–the age of one of your own children, the same name as a loved one, similar hobbies. Simple, little similarities can make your relationship feel a bit more personal.
Regardless of whether you’re a new or seasoned sponsor, here are 3 practical ways to spark a connection with the child you sponsor–
1. Commit to praying.
Other than in-country staff, you may be the only person praying for the child you sponsor by name. That’s an amazing, powerful thing. Bringing that child and their needs before the Lord is the single most impactful thing you can do. Even if you’re unsure of exactly what that child needs, God knows each of their needs. Pray with faith that He is the ultimate provider.

2. Invest in their home country.
Do some research on the child you sponsor’s home country. It seems small, but this knowledge offers so much context when praying for their needs. Rather than just seeing a name on a paper, you’ll be able to picture the world around them.
Stay up to date on current events. Find out their country’s current “reached” status (find out here). Learn about poverty and unemployment rates. You are, after all, investing in this country’s future by choosing to invest in this child.

3. Advocate for children like them.
As your heart grows for the child you sponsor, advocacy becomes a natural result. So when God provides an opportunity, share about your sponsorship. Tell friends and family about ways they can get involved. Organize a fundraiser for the ministry of the child you sponsor or host an event that promotes sponsoring more children around the world. Even something as simple as putting their picture on your fridge can spark conversation with guests in your home.
At the end of the day, praying for one specific child by name can help personalize the orphan crisis and open your eyes to the urgency of defending orphans and upholding their cause.
Make a Connection Today.