Story of Redemption: Meet Sophia
Sophia was born in Cambodia …
… and she grew up in neighboring Thailand, moving from campsite to campsite with her parents. They migrated wherever there was a possibility of work—most often, construction sites.
Unfortunately, a construction site is no place for a child. There was no opportunity to go to school, and the days were long. Sophia’s job was to care for her little brother while their parents worked.
When Sophia was eight years old, she heard about a Cambodian pastor and Lifesong partner back home in the capital city of Phnom Penh who welcomed children to live at the church and go to school.
“My parents thought it would be a good opportunity for me, so I moved back to Cambodia for two years. These were happy times because I was able to go to school, and Pastor Somnang taught me many things, including how to play the piano.”

Unfortunately, these happy times didn’t last forever.
After two years, Sophia’s parents decided to bring her back to Thailand. Once again, she traveled between campsites with her family.
About a year after moving back to Thailand, she met Pastor Vino, another Lifesong ministry partner with a burden to help migrant families. Because children of migrant workers often do not have access to formal education, the team provides opportunities within a learning center where children can go to school and develop life skills.
And they do this all while sharing the hope of the Gospel.
Pastor Vino invited Sophia and her brother to come and learn.
Sophia and her family are one of the thousands of migrant families living in harsh conditions on construction campsites, searching for work and food. This takes a heavy toll on families doing everything they can to stay together. But with your help, Lifesong partners with local churches and leaders—like Pastor Somnang and Pastor Vino—to help these families stay together and to reach them with the Gospel.
Today, by the grace of God and with your support, Sophia and her brother are doing well.

Today, Sophia shares—
“My life before coming here was not so good. It was difficult. I had no chance to learn before coming to Lifesong and sometimes not enough to eat. It was bad. But now, I have God, and it is much better knowing God. He has given me hope. I love to worship and pray to Him every day. My dad does not want me to face the same struggles he has faced. He wants me to have a good future.”
Your gifts create opportunities for girls like Sophia, for whom God is writing an amazing story of redemption.
This Christmas, you can reach orphaned & vulnerable children with Gospel-centered care.
It only takes one caring person to help one child in need. By partnering with Lifesong, you reach orphaned and vulnerable children with Gospel-centered care.

When you give to Lifesong’s Where Most Needed Fund by December 31, 2021, your gift is MATCHED up to $1,500,000—making twice the impact on children in need. 100% of your gift directly helps children in need.
Your gift helps fund Christian adoptions, support Gospel-centered ministries globally, and fuel sustainable business development.
Your generous gift this Christmas shows orphaned and vulnerable children they are seen. Together, let’s continue reaching children in need with the Gospel!
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