A New Mural Proclaims God’s Faithfulness | An Update From Tanzania

In Exodus 14:13–14, Moses encourages the Israelites, saying,
“Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”
These powerful verses have resonated with Pastor Micah, director of our partner ministry site in Tanzania, for many years. Now, thanks to a talented guest who visited the campus on a short-term partner ministry team visit, these verses are on display at the boys’ dormitory as a mural.
Every day, children and staff see this mural, a visual reminder of God’s faithfulness to His people through the generations.

On the exodus journey,
the Lord saved His people from the Egyptians by miraculously parting the waters of the Red Sea, an expression of His supernatural power and display of personal care. Moses’ response was to sing a song of praise to the Lord in Exodus 15.
While the mural received its finishing touches, secondary school students attended an assembly where they learned about the passages of scripture that inspired the painting. They learned about Moses’ leadership and how he encouraged the Israelites to remember God’s faithfulness. The students were challenged to remember God’s faithfulness in their own lives, and they lifted their voices and praised God for His goodness.

One afternoon, Pastor Micah was speaking with a group of children about his failing eyesight.
His message to them was not one of sadness or grumbling but of joy and resilience in the face of challenge. He encouraged them to remain steadfast in trusting and obeying the Lord and reminded them that lasting strength comes only from the Lord Who richly supplies.
Like Moses said to the Israelites, it is the Lord who fights for them and will lead them through all of life’s circumstances.
“The Lord is my strength and my defense; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father’s God, and I will exalt him.”
—Exodus 15:2, NIV