God Makes All Things Possible | Bringing Mhadelyne Home

Adrian and Jennifer felt the unmistakable tug of God on their hearts to adopt.
They had already brought three children home via adoption and knew they wanted to adopt again. This time, they hoped to adopt from the same Gospel-centered orphanage.
Jennifer explains—
“In the process of messaging the director of Gentle Hands Orphanage, she told us about a teenager who had a terrible childhood yet was a brilliant young lady with a heart for God. The director asked us to help find Mhadelyne a family.”
So Adrian and Jennifer began praying. They asked God to give this precious girl from the Philippines a family who would love and accept her wholeheartedly.
But then something incredible happened—
“The more we prayed for her,” Jennifer says, “the more I knew she was my daughter.”

So Adrian and Jennifer began the process to bring Mhadelyne home.
It wasn’t an easy process—no adoption process is. But Adrian and Jennifer knew that while adoption finances, specifically, can be really challenging, they are not insurmountable.
Adrian and Jennifer were confident they would find a way, just as countless other families have. Specifically, God has a way of making the impossible possible. And sometimes, He does it in the most unexpected ways.
Not only was Lifesong honored to give Adrian and Jennifer a generous matching grant from their church, Johnson Ferry Baptist Church, but—totally unexpectedly—an anonymous giver stepped up to help.
According to the giver, “God had been putting it on my heart to help fund an adoption. I wasn’t sure who it was for. I just knew I was being nudged and needed to obey. When I heard about Adrian, Jennifer, and Mhadelyne, I knew without a doubt that God was calling me to this beautiful story.”

Today, Mhadelyne is home.
Because of Adrian and Jennifer’s faithfulness, the giver’s generous obedience, and God’s unfailing goodness, Mhadelyne came to the U.S. to live with her family when she was 15 years old.
In Adrian’s words—
“We are grateful for our daughter. We’re grateful that her story is still being written—written in hope and healing, daily resting in our Heavenly Father. We’re grateful because God works through His people to show His love to us and through us, even in spite of us.”
Today, by the grace of God, Mhadelyne knows she is loved.
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