Receiving Care Like Never Before at the Healing House | An Update from South Korea

Introducing the Healing House
Over the past year, our team in South Korea set out to find a safe place where orphanage graduates could gather, be discipled, stay for a few days when needed, and receive ongoing support during their transition into adulthood. Already, ministry leaders at the Oak Tree Project were reaching 500 young adults with Gospel-centered mentorship, campus tutoring initiatives, scholarships, and more, but since expanding to include the Healing House, they are building a community that is equipped to care like family for college-aged orphans going through a tough time.
Because of God’s work through generous givers, the funds were raised to rent an apartment as the Healing House. However, a long list of desired specifications made it difficult to find an apartment that would be sufficient.
Nonetheless, God—in His timing—faithfully brought them the perfect place.
As they searched for an apartment, our team in South Korea prayed for a place with 4 bedrooms, 2 clean bathrooms, 1 parking space, a big living room, a kitchen with an oven and dishwasher, a room with a washing and drying machine, an elevator, a park nearby, good lighting, a good view, good air circulation, and well-built cement walls. They also prayed that the apartment would be in a safe neighborhood with no noise issues, have no loans on the building, have a good landlord, and be easily accessible by both car and subway.
When they finally came across the right place, John-Michael, a ministry leader exclaimed—
“God provided everything! The apartment is in an excellent location near two very important subway lines and is also walking distance to a park and river. This was the only apartment we saw with a working oven and dishwasher. In fact, the 20-year-old dishwasher still had the Styrofoam packing inside of it. The oven is also in perfect condition. Parking is plentiful, so we can host large groups, including mentor gatherings.”
God even worked in the hearts of the landlords, an older Christian couple. At first, they were hesitant to allow such a unique living situation on their property. Not to mention, in South Korea, a significant negative stigma exists around associating with orphans. However, after taking some time to pray, the landlords went from being concerned to excited! In August, our team moved in and began furnishing and decorating. In September, they started to host gatherings.
A Place of Community & Refuge
So far, the Healing House has comfortably welcomed as many as 24 guests at a time. Our team has held alumni gatherings, mentorship gatherings, game nights, a Korean holiday celebration, and a reunion with young adults who grew up in a specific orphanage. During the month of December, they are inviting young adults to join them in baking, crafting, and feasting events, all with a focus on Christ as the reason for the season.

Top Photo: Young adults participate in a game night at the Healing House.
The Healing House also provides a place of refuge for orphanage graduates in need of physical, emotional, or spiritual support. One student, a freshman in college, recently came to stay for a couple of weeks at the Healing House. She was experiencing a period of depression and needed to know she wasn’t alone.
Jee, a ministry leader, explains—
“Some of the children, when they age out of an orphanage, begin to process their emotions and get a chance to look at what’s inside their hearts. Growing up in a children’s home can be like living in a jungle, just trying to survive.”
During this young lady’s stay, Jee aimed to be present and available as needed. She cooked meals for her, helped her get to her classes on time in the morning, went with her to the doctor, and spent time conversing and having fun.

Jee shared—
“As I woke her up each morning and prepared dinner for her each night, I thought about how this might be the first time she’s ever truly been taken care of in her whole life. She’s had to do a lot of growing up on her own.”
Though this young lady is still working through some complicated emotions, she left the Healing House feeling a little bit more seen, known, and loved. She is now back to staying at her place, but the Healing House has become her place of safety, and she visits whenever she can.

In just four months, the Healing House is already making a big difference
in the lives of orphaned and vulnerable children and young adults in South Korea. As ministry opportunities grow, we pray God’s presence would be felt; that there would be divine conversations, counseling, and prayer; that the Healing House would be a place of peace, joy, and laughter; and that those who visit would encounter God and put their faith in Him.
Give to help orphaned and vulnerable children know they are seen, known, and loved.
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