Ten Praises After a Decade of Ministry in Bolivia

For an entire decade,
our team in Bolivia has witnessed the lives of orphaned and vulnerable children being transformed through Gospel-centered, holistic care. In October, they celebrated ten years of ministry at Fundación Esperanza.
In 2013, the first child, a vulnerable newborn baby named Pablo, entered the safe home. He was the one who set the course for more than 117 children who followed. To keep up with more kids, our team opened four additional safe homes through the years.
Our team in Bolivia celebrated their tenth anniversary with a full week of festivities.

Twenty-eight team members, 50 children, several young adults in the Transition Program, and numerous honored guests gathered to give thanks to God. As reunions happened among graduates, friends, and staff members, there were hugs and smiles across the room.
Staff and children performed dances and enjoyed delicious Bolivian cuisine. They also competed in a variety of games, and at the end of the week, they participated in a field trip to a local camping area where they could hike and swim.
Perhaps the most special part of the celebration was when several of the children bravely approached the microphone. They shared their stories and talked about how because of what God had done through Fundación Esperanza, they were given a community that was like a new family.
Since the start of ministry in Bolivia in 2013, God answered many prayers.
Here are ten things God made possible:
- Vulnerable children were reunited with parents or relatives.
- Doctors provided medical care, including a kidney transplant.
- Orphans found families through indigenous and international adoption.
- Students received a quality education and performed well academically.
- Children won awards in sports or the arts while working hard and learning teamwork.
- Graduates received military honors for their service.
- Students enrolled in and graduated from universities and trade schools.
- Children and young adults with disabilities attended school and were exposed to employment opportunities.
- Graduates got married and started their own families.
- Orphaned and vulnerable children put their faith in Jesus and grew emotionally and spiritually.

This Is Just the Beginning
In ten more years, we pray there will be another long list of answered prayers to celebrate. Did you know you can be a part of making that possible?
When you give today, you can impact the next ten years of ministry, and more! Your gift—no matter how big or small—impacts children in ways that last a lifetime. When you give, imagine changing a child’s life for ten, twenty, even ninety years into the future.